Monday, November 5, 2012

Kathmandu, I could Kist you

Whoo, Kathmandu Nepal!

I am a mere 250km from Mt Everest. You cannot see it from my hotel room, but I did not know this. I thought I'd be able to just, you know, look up and see it EVERYWHERE. That is not the case.

Today I've visited a bunch of Buddhist temples and learnt about samsara and kharma. I've drunk yak milk lassi and waited in line for Amma, the hugging guru. (I did not get a hug. I do not hug strangers.)

But the internet, alas, it is very spasmodic and not at all reliable. So I am quickly posting this and I'm afraid I haven't been able to spend time polishing it.

The first thing that struck me about Kathmandu is that no ATM would take my card and that meant I had no money. Not a great start. Especially when you consider that the hotel we first arrived at also had no record of my booking (which I totally booked, and totally confirmed before we left), and therefore we had nowhere to sleep. It was midnight

It took me some time, but we worked through it and eventually got a room at the Kathmandu Guest House. The next day, it was ATM number five - for Kist Bank - that eventually accepted my card and gave me some money.

I immediately went out and bought the Mount Everest of had-embroidered felt balls. A thousand of them, to be precise. For a little over $25.



Jennie said...

That was from Jennie.

Jennie said...

Ugh. The anonymous comment I posted, which was then deleted, was from Jennie. Anonymous Jennie said: I hope you're going to use them to make the world's biggest wreath, and then hide little ceramic yaks and yetis in it.

Kristy Chan said...

I'm so fascinated that you're in Kathmandu - it's my goal to hike around the Everest base camps (not up Everest though) for my 40th birthday in 5 years. No husband or children, just me trying to reclaim a part of my youth!

Looking forward to a full recap when you get back

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