Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My embryonic twinset develops

Ooo, isn't that a lovely creepy thought .... an embryonic twinset developing - growing - starting to kick its little woolly arms - breathing - feeding .... but what would a twinset feed on? It would have to be wool moths, surely.

Do you remember this post? About my lovely new embryonic twinset, made out of this wonderful merino wool?

Well, it's certainly coming along. My mother and father came to visit for Easter (bless them, it saved My One True Love and I from a whole iss-yew about finding cat sitters for the furry babies, never fun at the best of times but practically impossible on big holidays like Christmas and Easter) - and mum brought the twinset to work on.

Here it is in its current form - isn't it delicate and beautiful? I love it!

That lacy detail is just wonderful; it's going to be the perfect trans-seasonal piece, to borrow one of the fashion pack's fabulous phrases. (Now say it with me in a Tim Gunn accent: "well de-sign-ers, that could be  the per-fect trans-seasonal piece! Make it work.")

Mum hasn't done a lot of knitting lately, as it gets too hot at home to even bear thinking about loading oneself up with woolly goodness in one's lap during the summer months. And while the twinset is technically my birthday present, and my birthday is roaring up quite a bit quicker than I'd like, of course I won't actually have ANY need for woolly goodness for nearly two months - because I'm heading off to Kununurra on April 27 and won't be back until at least the first week of June.

Mum says it should certainly be ready by then, so that will be perfect timing. And what a lovely present to come home to! 

Grow, little twinset, grow ......

(PS - my mum is now an official Project Runway addict too, thanks to me lending her a series to see how she took to it .....)


Jennie said...

That almost makes me want to learn to follow a knitting pattern!

Christina Lowry said...

It is looking so wonderful! I am always in awe of great knitting. Awe and jealousy! :)