Ahem. This post is actually about shorts of the longer variety - dress shorts this time, not running ones - I thought it was appropriate to continue the theme. And it's all part of the January sewing frenzy, in which I spend the entire month sewing for me me me me me me me.
I now have not one, but THREE pairs of new shorts in my wardrobe. And two of them I made myself.

But a month ago, on a whim I purchased some lined black linen shorts from Laura Ashley (on special at 70% off) and they were an absolute revelation. The comfort! The ease! The complete lack of worry about ahem, delicate chafing issues in the hot weather! (I always wanted to be one of those women with boy hips and gaps between their legs, but no amount of starvation ever managed to achieve this, so I long ago gave up and accepted my inevitable carrot shape.)
So I set out to exponentially increase the proportion of shorts in my wardrobe - ie, I wanted more.

I was dubious to begin with, especially because of the pockets on the side - I really don't need any extra bulk around my hips - but I decided to give it a shot. And lo and behold it worked beautifully! The pattern fit like a dream with hardly any alterations needed, and that is saying something.

So flushed with enthusiasm, this time I made the pattern up in this cute birdie fabric remnant I got from IKEA ... and it was almost exactly the perfect amount. See the sweet lining in those pockets, too?

Overall I am very pleased with them, and they're the perfect casual separate for weekends. I intend to wear them for as long as the hot weather allows.
Australia Day barbeque, anyone? I'll be there in my shorts.
So Simplicity has created a structured shorts pattern with no zip, buttons, elastic or anything? How bizarre! Love the bold fabric choice, I'd never think of using that for my lower half.
I too hate shorts and tend to dag around in them at home but I won't step over the door with them.
Loved the post, had me laughing!
I just got that pattern. I think that I will make a skirt because, lets face it, it's freezing in Montreal at the moment. But I will make the shorts this summer.
hi, I just google to see if someone else had something to say about the shorts and foudn you, I just made them today and funny what you say about the size because is just about the best sewing job I have ever made and is to small in the legs and butt for me : ( only the waist fits well! jaja anyway, my pattern did ask for a zip,, right where yuo put it too.
I like what you did, have you posted any pics with you wearing them?
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