Friday, November 27, 2009

And then there were seven ....

.... markets left to go in the next three weeks, that is.

How on earth did that happen?? I think it's because I book them so far in advance, and then fail to remember what I've booked. I go Okay, I'll do the Kris Kringle markets because they're close to home and I love them. That's four.

And I booked for the Made N Thornbury market in February, because it has such a lovely friendly vibe, and I thought, Oh, it's only one in December, that'll be fine. That's five.

And I booked for the Northside Makers Market because it is filled with so many wonderful friends and amazing crafters, and how could I NOT be part of that? Plus it is even closer to home than the Kris Kringle market. That's six.

And I booked for the extra Christmas Shirt and Skirt Market - seven - and the December Shirt and Skirt as well - that's eight.

EIGHT!  One down, seven to go.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my that is a lot. But gosh what fun. Good luck with it all : o )