So in the interim, here are photos of my new skirt, which I made to Anna Maria Horner's "Study Hall Skirt" pattern.
It's absolutely terrific - the pattern that is - and I highly recommend it to all of you who enjoy the slightly schoolgirl look of box pleats. And ok, so even though my waist measurements are clearly muuuuuch larger than the skinny girl featured on the front cover of the pattern, the primary beauty of this skirt is that it looks good on any shape.
Here I used a graphic stretch cotton for the main body of the skirt. I've had this piece of fabric for about three years now, and it's just lain patiently in the cupboard waiting for me to find the right vehicle for it. And I think you'll agree the wait was worth it.

I'm really happy with the way this skirt turned out. So happy in fact, that if I saw this exact same skirt in a shop, I would want to buy it. That is a huge compliment from myself to me, if I do say so!!
This skirt brings me a little bit closer to sewing nirvana ... that is, the first garment I create where I don't make a little mistake somewhere. I've been sewing for years and I always, ALWAYS manage to bugger something up (on this skirt I cut one of the panels a few millimetres shorter than the other, so there is a minor jagged edge on the side seam where they don't quite match up perfectly, but you can hardly see it).
I'm not there yet and it may take me forever to reach it, but I am - as ever - hopeful.
Lovely work, I'm most impressed. Sewing nirvana is a LOOOOONG way off for some of us :-)
Love the skirt! I've been thinking about that pattern - your skirt has convinced me to buy it and make one. Looks lovely.
I bookmarked the pattern after your blog post and am now absolutely convinced it's the one for me! Looks t'riffic!
What a great combination of colours. I can relate to the mistakes. I know I am a good sewer yet I always do something wrong. I just pretend that everything I make now is a sample so its OK to not be perfect. LOL
this is a lovely skirt. The colours compliment each other nicely and i am so happy that it went well from start to finish. Enjoy wearing it
Very pretty. I like your idea of sewing nirvana :) though I can never get there because I don't really use patterns...
Were you at the Renegade Art Fair in San Francisco? I think I saw your owls there!
Lovely! I've been wondering what this pattern is like to sew with. Good on you for looking for sewing nirvana. My nirvana is dependent on how busy I am at the time, how much coffee in my system and how stressed I am!
Even though I am not a sewer myself, preferring to use papers and cards rather than materials, I have always felt that those "mistakes" are what makes a project memorable - you know, the "oh, that was the project I did xx on!!" memorable! That uniqueness always means I remember a project and the time I spent on it, and not just the finished product!! That is how I try to look at it anyway!! Means that I am more gentle on myself when I make all those damn mistakes!!
Hope the headache gets better soon. Hot wheat pack, strong coffee with the mersyndol I find helps.....
ness xx
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